Kick Off Phase III
Third phase of Sino-German cooperation project for sustainable livestock and animal husbandry has been launched.
Since 2011, exchanges and cooperation between China and Germany in the field of livestock breeding have been deepened, and cooperation projects for the development of livestock breeding, such as the cattle and pig industries, have been successively implemented. The first two rounds covered and developed the distribution and structure of breeds in China, triggered the improvement of the technical level of the industry and the strengthening of exchanges between market participants of the two countries. Based on bilateral consultations and with the approval of the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), the National General Animal Husbandry (NAHS) and the German GFA Consulting Group jointly launched the third phase of the Sino-German Cooperation Project on Sustainable Development of Animal Husbandry in the form of an online video conference on January 19, 2022, and signed the agreement.
Handbook I
German Farm Consulting published in March 2021 their Handbook “Piglet-Production and Fattening – Practical Work (Best Practice) as paper back.
This handbook is written to support the management of professional pig production farms. Continue reading “Handbook I”