The company German Farm Consulting GmbH & Co. KG (GFC) based in Fahrdorf has been under the management of Dr. Jörg Krapoth engaged in advising large companies in China’s agriculture.
For about 3 years, GFC has been implementing a Sino-German joint project to promote animal breeding in China, with emphasis on pig breeding. This project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture and supported by an industry consortium. The performers are ADT Projekt GmbH in Bonn and GFC. ADT and GFC have just won the tender for this project for another 3 years.
As part of the consultation in the province of Henan (108 million inhabitants, very intensive agriculture) was held in late October in the capital Zhengzhou (11 million inhabitants), a conference under the title “Talent Recruitment Project Matchmaking – Event for Innovation and Development”. According to Vice Governor Dai Bohua, Henan seeks to attract international talent and consultants for the long-term development of Henan.

Herr Quanshui Yuan – Generaldirektor Henan Yifa Animal Husbandry co LTD
Herr Chun Yang – Director of Hebi Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs
Frau Qiuhong Zhang – Deputy Director of Henan Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs
Herr Dr Jörg Krapoth – GFC
Herr Henrik Delfs – ADT Projekt GmbH, Bonn
Herr Qilong Sun – ADT Projekt GmbH, Bonn und Medal China
Herr Dou Wang – Office manager of Hebi Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs
At the same time, seven consulting partnerships were recognized as groundbreaking. As the only privately owned company, Dr. Jörg Krapoth has been honored for his activities in the Sino-German project and thus GFC certified for further consulting activities in the province of Henan.
For further cooperation with partners in Henan Province, Dr. Krapoth can conclude additional contracts for several years.