The “Symposium on Sino-German Sustainable Development of Animal Husbandry and on-site Observation Meetings” was held in Zhengding in Hebei Province from November 25 to 27, 2024.

From November 25 to 27, 2024, the “Symposium on Sino-German Sustainable Development of Animal Husbandry and on-site Observation Meetings” was held in Zhengding, Hebei Province, jointly organized by the National Animal Husbandry Service (NAHS), Hebei Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (Hebei MARA) and the “Sino-German Cooperation Project for Sustainable Animal Breeding and Husbandry“. Continue reading “The “Symposium on Sino-German Sustainable Development of Animal Husbandry and on-site Observation Meetings” was held in Zhengding in Hebei Province from November 25 to 27, 2024.”

Sino-German Cattle & Swine Symposium November 2023

Sino-German Cattle & Swine Symposium – Focus on Sino-German exchange and cooperation in various areas of animal husbandry

From November 25 to 26, 2023, the Sino-German Cattle & Swine Symposium took place in Beijing, hosted by ADT Project Consulting GmbH (the organizer of the Sino-German cooperation project for sustainable animal breeding and husbandry) and DLG AgroTechService.

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German-Chinese cooperation project successfully completes second on-site mission

From March 13 to April 4, the project team consisting of Ms. Wang Liwen, Mr. Wan Qiang from NAHS, Dr. Jörg Krapoth, Mr. Henrik Delfs, Mr. Haoye Yang, Pro.Wang Aiguo from CAU, Pro. Guo Kaijun from Beijing University Of Agriculture, and Ms. Gao Qiu from NAHS, a total of 24 swine, dairy and dual purpose cattle farms and one manure utilization and processing equipment production farm in Shandong, Beijing, Henan, Hebei and Shanxi.

Find the whole storry following this link

Chinese-German Cooperation in Animal Husbandry Phase I and II

On June 30, 2021, the second project phase of “Sino-German Cooperation in Animal Husbandry” ended. On this occasion, the final meeting of the “Sino-German Cooperation Project for the Further Development of Animal Breeding and Husbandry in China” was held in close cooperation with NAHS on June 16, 2021. The event was hybrid with participants on-site and online. Thus, a total of over 90 people participated in this event.

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Another online seminar in the German-Chinese cooperation project – topic selection of gilts and the advance planning of precise integration


Within the framework of the “Chinese-German Cooperation Project on Animal Breeding in China” another online supported seminar took place from 15th – 17th July 2020. Organised by the project team in cooperation with the German Farm Consulting (GFC) and the Chinese-German office in Yifa, a three-day seminar on “Selection of gilts and their precise integration” was held at the project demonstration farm Henan Yifa Animal Husbandry Co, LTD.

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Second digital training and education course in the German – Chinese cooperation project – Topic Nursery

In the frame of the „Sino-German Cooperation Project on Animal Breeding in China“, the project team organized a four-day-seminar on “Nursery” at the project demonstration farm Henan Yifa Animal Husbandry Co., LTD in collaboration with GFC and the Sino-German Office from Yifa.

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First digital training course on birth assistance for pigs in the German-Chinese cooperation project was a success

The “German-Chinese Cooperation Project for the Further Development of Animal Breeding and Animal Husbandry in China” continues even in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. While trips have to be cancelled, the possibilities of modern conference systems can be used to hold upcoming trainings. As the BMEL explains in the article

describes, online elements were used to communicate the important areas of farrowing.

Continue reading “First digital training course on birth assistance for pigs in the German-Chinese cooperation project was a success”