Kick Off Phase III
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Third phase of Sino-German cooperation project for sustainable livestock and animal husbandry has been launched.
Since 2011, exchanges and cooperation between China and Germany in the field of livestock breeding have been deepened, and cooperation projects for the development of livestock breeding, such as the cattle and pig industries, have been successively implemented. The first two rounds covered and developed the distribution and structure of breeds in China, triggered the improvement of the technical level of the industry and the strengthening of exchanges between market participants of the two countries. Based on bilateral consultations and with the approval of the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), the National General Animal Husbandry (NAHS) and the German GFA Consulting Group jointly launched the third phase of the Sino-German Cooperation Project on Sustainable Development of Animal Husbandry in the form of an online video conference on January 19, 2022, and signed the agreement.
Chinese pig prices at low level
While pig prices were at a record high in 2019 due to the outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) and the resulting heavy losses, they have fallen to a low since the beginning of 2021. High raw material prices, especially for feed components, limit economic production. This also applies to the small-scale producers who, with a few pigs in their own households, still account for up to 30% of Chinese pork production.
The linked article (de) explains the background….
Handbook II
Breeding boar and A.I.-Stations are professional production units for high-quality boar semen. All boars of the stations come from selected farms and from breeding farms with high health status and third-party pig companies of outstanding reputation.
4.000 sows farm for sale
Through a partner we were informed that in Croatia an agricultural company with land and vegetable production and 4.000 sows farm is for sale after economic turbulences. The sow facility is in good condition. The piglets can all be marketed in Croatia through a feed network.
If interested please contact us through our contact form.
Chinese-German Cooperation in Animal Husbandry Phase I and II
On June 30, 2021, the second project phase of “Sino-German Cooperation in Animal Husbandry” ended. On this occasion, the final meeting of the “Sino-German Cooperation Project for the Further Development of Animal Breeding and Husbandry in China” was held in close cooperation with NAHS on June 16, 2021. The event was hybrid with participants on-site and online. Thus, a total of over 90 people participated in this event.
Continue reading “Chinese-German Cooperation in Animal Husbandry Phase I and II”
Member of the Central Politburo and Vice Premier of the State Council Hu Chunhua visits the facilities of Yifa pig breeding enterprise, Henan
Vice Premier Hu Chunhua toured Yifa Herding and gained a comprehensive insight into the production and supply of breeding pigs and boar semen production. He encouraged the company to make further efforts to intensify sperm production.
Handbook I
German Farm Consulting published in March 2021 their Handbook “Piglet-Production and Fattening – Practical Work (Best Practice) as paper back.
This handbook is written to support the management of professional pig production farms. Continue reading “Handbook I”